Reader Interactions


  1. Mandi

    Welcome back! So lovely to catch up with everyone, and this song is definitely your song! I didn’t know that you hosted word of the week, I shall do my best to join in going forward.
    I also gained my degree later, I started it in 2002 with two children and completed it in 2008 when I had 5, I can’t say I miss the late hours of studying and sitting yearly exams whilst heavily pregnant wasn’t fun, but I feel glad that I achieved it.
    And 10 year old is definitely still a baby, I still refer to them all as my children until the two eldest point out they are 20 and 22! looking forward to hearing more about what’s been going on during the next month x

  2. Samantha Donnelly

    Lovely to meet you I get about the disability part my Daughter has ME, Fibromyalgia and IIH she has been assessed for EDS as well but just on the border of that. Lovely to meet you and look forward to finding out more about you x

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