Reader Interactions


  1. Kim Carberry

    Oh no! Sending hugs. It sounds like a rough week.
    That is strange about your Little Mans feet. I hope the pain passes soon and it turns out to be nothing. I hope Star is feeling better now and well done Boo for going to school.
    I hope you are feeling better too and your treatment hasn’t been disrupted.
    Poor Graham! It sounds like he is going to be busy. I hope it all goes to plan. x
    Kim Carberry recently posted…This week my Word of the Week is: Anxious! #WotW

  2. Cheryl | Time To Craft

    Man alive! What a schedule. I’ve barely driven in the last year, so Graham’s days of driving sound full on. I’m sorry you’ve not been well. Let’s hope this round of antibiotics is the charm. Not long until Easter. The children may have only gone back, but they’ve had a long time learning online, so I think they all deserve the break. Hugs to you all. Nearly chocolate time!

  3. Louise (Little Hearts, Big Love)

    I’m sorry that you’ve had such a difficult week Anne – you don’t need to be sorry for not being more positive though, it’s okay to be honest and open when things are harder. I hope that the antibiotics start to make you feel better again soon and that all went well with your treatment yesterday and Graham coped with all the driving around and managed to get to where he needed to be at each point. Hope that you can get to the bottom of why Little Man is in pain with his feet as well. Hope that next week will be better than anticipated and that you will all be feeling brighter for the Easter weekend. Lots of love and virtual hugs to you all x #WotW

  4. Jane - Our Little Escapades

    I’m so sorry the week was so difficult for you. I understand now what you were saying about the car in the last post. Serves me right for not reading them in the correct order. I wonder what the feet issue is all about. I hope the girls start finding school easier. Hopefully, the Easter break will help #WotW

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