Reader Interactions


  1. Joleisa

    Photos can bring so many flasbacks, both good and bad. I hope you’ve come to accept everything. I know some days must be hard. We all have difficult days I suppose.
    Every time I read another of your posts, I learn something new about you and your family. That’s good. You come across really well. And I like the format of these posts. It’s such a nice reflective idea.
    Thanks for sharing this snapsot with us.

  2. Carol

    It is amazing how one photo can mean so much capturing a different time for you and maybe even a slightly different you. Thanks for sharing! #MMBC

  3. Louise (Little Hearts, Big Love)

    That is a lovely photo of you and I can imagine it must have given you a jolt seeing a photo of you on the cusp of life imploding. I’m sorry that 2000 was such an awful year for you. I can relate to that feeling of looking at old photos and seeing someone who was a different person and how life can feel very much divided into ‘before’ and ‘after’. #MMBC

  4. Laurie

    When Facebook sometimes shows me photos from several years ago (usually on the anniversary of the date), my emotions are all over the place. Sometimes, I feel nostalgic, sometimes a pang of regret, sometimes sadness that situations have changed so much over the years.

    Thanks for sharing your reflections with us, Anne. I didn’t know you back in 1999 (of course), but I really like the person you are now!
    Laurie recently posted…It’s Not Too Late

  5. RachelSwirl

    I too have some life changing moment pictures stored – I try not to look at them too much. Thanks so much for opening up and for sharing this iconic image with #MySundaySnapshot.

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