Reader Interactions


  1. Joleisa

    That’s so true! The last two Sundays have been so different compared to each other.
    We got the conservatory cleared and tidied today and have promised ourselves that we should tackle the back garden next. Unfortunately we don’t have someone with muscles that we can rely on so we will have to do what we can ourselves.
    We are hoping for BBQ weather too. The banks holiday weather looks rubbish so it seems like it will be another oven jerk chicken for us tomorrow.
    Hope you enjoy the week ahead.

  2. Joanne

    That sounds like a lovely weekend outside.. it hasn’t been warm enough here yet for us to BBQ and actually eat outside. We make do with BBQing and then bringing the food inside.

  3. Sarah Wood

    The weather has been awful lately, but glad you at least got out for a barbecue. I really hope the weather improves soon!
    Gardens do seem to need constant work! I hope you get everything done that you would like doing this year.
    Sarah Wood recently posted…Grown Ups by Marian Keyes

    • Anne Sweet

      I’m enjoying the rain at the moment and so are my plants, which I thought were dead! The grass needs cutting again though. I will be happy to have a nice relaxing garden, but we have a long way to go yet.

  4. RachelSwirl

    Oooo we haven’t got a BBQ and I really want to get one at some point, it sounds bliss even if a little cold. Loving the sunny snapshot too! Thanks so much for sharing and for linking up with #MySundaySnapshot.

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