Reader Interactions


  1. Kim Carberry

    It sounds like you have had a lot to deal with this year and still more to come. Good luck with switching to the PIP payments for your daughter. I have read about how hard it can be.
    hahaha! My two reply to everything with “in a minute”. It is so frustrating. My girls tried to sneak on their tablets after bedtime and now they’re not allowed them upstairs on an evening. x
    Kim Carberry recently posted…Our weekly meal plan! 3rd – 9th May. #MealPlanningMonday

  2. Laurie

    I am so sorry to read that you have been in considerable pain, Anne. If I were in constant pain, you can believe I would be moaning a lot.

    I had to laugh at your description of your children. They sound so much like mine – not naughty, but not always doing exactly what they were told right away.

    Loved reading the things you are thankful for!

  3. Louise (Little Hearts, Big Love)

    I’m sorry that you’ve been struggling with pain and all the things that you’ve had to deal with. It’s not surprising you’ve felt close to the edge at times. DLA and PIP forms are so stressful to deal with – good luck with doing those. I can imagine the frustration at trying to get around in a wheelchair with narrow aisles in shops and cars parking across dropped kerbs – we get a lot of cars parking on the pavement near us and it’s bad enough with a buggy but would be nigh on impossible for wheelchair users to navigate some of the local pavements. Makes me so cross that people can be so thoughtless. Glad you’ve found some things to be thankful for – and thank you for the lovely mention. I know it’s not always easy to find things when life is hard. I’m glad your husband is so supportive and the children’s schools have been so supportive too. I love the sound of #MyDailyThankYou – might try joining in with that. Hope that this month will be a kinder one to you all x #MMBC

  4. Jayne

    Sorry to hear you’ve been struggling Anne. You have a lot going on so it’s no wonder you are finding things hard to cope with.
    Your hubby sounds amazing though and it’s good that you’ve got lots of support, it makes all the difference.
    I hope you have a lovely weekend. Sending big hugs matey. xxx
    Jayne recently posted…Fun Celebrations With Care Bears Birthday Bear

  5. Nikki Albert

    That is a lot to deal with but is good that we can always try and find things to be thankful for. I do a gratitude journal myself and it does help keep things in perspective I think. I must say this pandemic is exceptionally stressful and draining. For everyone. But there are the delays in treatment and the extra isolation and I am tired of all that, but we have to get through it before anything can return to any semblance of stability again.

  6. Claireq

    Really enjoyed reading your ‘thankful’ prompt response. I am also so grateful for the NHS and all the care it has given me. As you say, it isn’t perfect, but I would be lost without out it. And thank you for sharing the my daily thank you twitter hashtag, that sounds so lovely!

  7. Carrie Kellenberger

    Hi Anne,

    This is so much to deal with and I hope that these opportunities with the blogger meet-ups help you get it off your chest. I quite like the meet-ups because of this. It gives me a chance to talk about things I normally don’t mention on my site. We’ve just entered lockdown here in Taiwan and I seem to be sailing through it because I’ve been housebound for years, but my husband is not handling it so well. It’s tough. I really feel for everyone in this situation! I do find that those gratitude exercises are a huge help especially if you’re practicing them every day! Take care!

  8. Leslie

    Thanks for sharing! I relate to so much of this. And I agree about Persevering! (It’s my word for 2021)

    Gentle hugs your way!

  9. Kathy

    Hi, Raisie Bay! when you talked about how your oldest child is approaching her tests, it reminded me of my two youngest boys. They were smart, but completely happy to just do enough to get by. I was always a good student, and I couldn’t understand this at all. I’m sure you’re doing a great job with your children.

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