Reader Interactions


  1. Joleisa

    I’m in the same boat about grandchildren. Still wishing and hoping though. I love holding little babies too, but I also appreciate this stage in life when they’re not my responsibility, lol.
    Hope the birthday festivities go well, weather permitting!

  2. Louise (Little Hearts, Big Love)

    Oh how lovely that you got to meet your new great-nephew and were able to see your eldest brother on his birthday. Hope that he had a good one and that you manage to meet up again today. I know what you mean about knowing when you are past that broody stage – I was the same holding my newest great-nephew. Glad that Boo has sorted out her GCSE options and that Star is looking forward to college. Hope that Little Man is able to use his arm properly again soon. I can imagine it must feel quite strange to be nearly at the end of primary school days with your children. Sophie is in her last half-term now at infant school and I’m quite emotional at this end of an era for her. #WotW

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