Reader Interactions


  1. Deborah

    Such a shame Little Man had to miss the end of year celebrations. This time has been so hard on some many children. I hope you enjoy your holiday in Dorset and meeting family.

  2. Cheryl | Time To Craft

    I’m sorry Little Man missed out on his last few days. So many end of terms have fizzled out without the celebrations they deserve. Thank goodness his test came back negative and I have my fingers crossed that no-one else in your family catches anything. Dorset is so beautiful. I hope you have a lovely time.

  3. Joleisa

    Such a bitter-sweet week. I’m feeling it for Little Man but I hope he will have a great summer nonetheless. I was panicking a bit when I thought he had also caught covid!
    Thank goodness for his result. Do be careful and stay safe. Enjoy the holiday making memories with your family.

  4. Kim Carberry

    That is great that your neighbours behaved themselves. My noisy neighbours have gone away on holiday. Hooray! It’s been grey and damp here today but still warm. Cooler than it has been though.
    Aww! Your poor Little Man. I am so glad the test was negative. What a worry for you and so sorry he missed his last few days of school.
    I hope you have a fab trip away.
    We don’t have much planned. I think we are just going to take next week to relax and do very little. x
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  5. Louise (Little Hearts, Big Love)

    It’s been so hard to sleep in this heat. I’m glad it’s cooled down a bit but it would be nice to have some more warm weather and sunshine for the school holidays. Poor Little Man – what a shame to end primary school having to isolate. Hope he is feeling better now – what a relief that the test was negative. Keeping everything crossed for you for being able to go on holiday. #WotW

  6. Astrid

    I’m so sorry Little Man was sick, but so glad his PCR test came back negative. Hope no-one else in your family caught whatever he had. I really hope it won’t be the end of the hot weather indeed, but also hope it won’t be too hot to sleep.
    Astrid recently posted…Online Window Shopping #WotW

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