Reader Interactions


  1. Joleisa

    I found your comment about the energy supplier so interesting. I don’t understand how you can withdraw money from your energy supplier. Do you pay in advance?
    Having a room to decorate sounds so good! Hope it goes well.

    • Anne Sweet

      Hi ladies, I had paid a surplus amount of money to my energy supplier so they owed me. They told me last year that I should increase my payments to make sure I covered winter and ended up with a lot of money just sitting in my account. If you are in credit you are always allowed to withdraw it, but I usually leave it there just in case of increases. I am now, however, more concerned about my supplier going bust and losing my credit. And yes, I do pay in advance for each month.

  2. Kim Carberry

    Great minds think alike. hehehe
    It sounds like you are well prepared to decorate your Little Mans bedroom.
    I think I am safe with my energy supplier, I’m with British Gas which I can’t see going bust and we’re on a fixed tariff until the end of December. We pay quarterly so I have started paying a little bit extra every month.
    Ahh! I think you deserve a new tree after having your old one for 20 years. We got a new one last year so will be using that again. I’ve ordered some presents too. I have a few coming from Japan for my youngest so I thought it was best to order them early. x
    Kim Carberry recently posted…This week my Word of the Week is: Preparing! #WotW

  3. Louise (Little Hearts, Big Love)

    Good luck with decorating Little Man’s room. Being prepared for fuel increases is a good plan. It’s going to be a tough winter for a lot of people, I think. I’m planning on getting a new tree this year – we’ve had ours about 15 years and it’s been falling apart and held together with gaffer tape for the last 5 years. #WotW
    Louise (Little Hearts, Big Love) recently posted…Friday Focus 08/10/21 – Lull

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