Reader Interactions


  1. Joleisa

    Well, I think it’s good to finally know so that you and the others around him can give him the support he needs. Family time without stress sounds like bliss too. Looking forward to next week. Have a good one.

  2. Cheryl | Time To Craft

    Happy birthday to your eldest. Chinese food, cake and family is a darn good way to celebrate. Sorry to hear that you had a scary hospital visit. I hope the advice really helps. I can see how your Youngest’s diagnosis could be a mixed blessing for you. One of my besties went through the diagnosis process for the first time a few years ago and expressed the same fears as you before her daughter’s diagnosis. They are all individuals, so I guess each journey is going to be different. At least you know. I hope your son gets the help to support him, that he so deserves.

  3. Kim Carberry

    Happy belated birthday to your son. All the family time sounds great. I hope you are feeling better now after the visit to hospital.
    That is good that you can get your youngest the support and help that he needs. Good luck x

  4. Astrid

    I completely get your mixed feelings about this diagnosis. As an autistic adult, I vividly remember having mixed feelings about the diagnosis myself (at age 20). I really hope Little Man will continue to receive help for as long as he needs it. As for Star, isn’t there any help for young adult autistics in your area?

    • Anne Sweet

      We are looking into it, my eldest had a lot of help as a young adult so we need to get in quick because it seems to wane once they get to 19, unless they get a place in assisted living. My eldest was turned down for assisted living because they didn’t think he would cope…he’s still at home at 34.

  5. Louise (Little Hearts, Big Love)

    I can imagine that finally getting an official diagnosis for Little Man comes with a lot of mixed feelings but I’m glad that the diagnosis will hopefully mean he can access the support that he needs. It must be a huge learning curve and hopefully third time around will be easier for all of you. Hope that you are feeling better now after your trip to A&E and hope that your eldest son had a lovely birthday. #WotW

  6. Jane - Our Little Escapades

    The birthday treat sounds like lots of fun. I think I might get a Chinese takeaway for my birthday. Getting a diagnosis is a weird feeling, isn’t it! I’m glad it means he will get the support he needs in school. I’m starting to get worried about what happens after school. I’m hoping they guide us as I have no idea where to start! #WotW

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