Reader Interactions


  1. Kim Carberry

    It does feel like spring has sprung with everything starting to grow. I love buying daffodils with my food shopping, I can understand why Graham thought they were spring onions, they do look like them. x

  2. Lisa | Handmade in Israel

    Lovely flowers! Your supermarket daffodils are really pretty and I love the story about your husband putting them in the fridge! That beats my husband, who I once sent out to buy spring onions and he returned with leeks.

  3. Kate Davis-Holmes

    I am enjoying snowdrops at the moment as my late mum loved them so very much. She hated lillies. I like the affordability of daffodils. Great images showing Spring is just around the corner thank goodness. #MMBC

  4. Gattina

    It’s not yet blooming here in Belgium I have seen one daffodil this year (must be an error of the nature) I am waiting for springt and warmer weather !

  5. Sarah MumofThree World

    Beautiful flowers and I’ve definitely learned something new there! It must be a worry with the lilies and the cats. I know daffodils have a ‘do not eat’ label on them, which I always find funny, but I guess they do look a bit too much like food!

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