Reader Interactions


  1. Joleisa

    Oops, I’ve been missing in action so I didn’t even know about the first car crash! I just needed some time to get a lot done before we went on holiday. The school thing sounds dire! I’m so happy I’m not in the system anymore. It’s stressful even as a teacher when you just can’t control so much of what happens! Hope Your daughter gets through her last year without much incident. Hope you’ve been well too!

  2. Kim Carberry

    Oh no! That is rubbish that the crash happened. I am glad everyone was OK, especially your Little Man.
    Ugh, that doesn’t sound good about what’s gone on at school. It sounds like they are really letting the kids down I hope the new reward system does some good and Boo can hang on in there until she leaves. Sending hugs x

  3. Louise (Little Hearts, Big Love)

    So sorry that someone crashed into your car. Glad that Little Man wasn’t badly hurt and that the car can be repaired. Sorry to hear about the problems with school and the Ofsted report too. What a worry for you with Boo and Little Man. Hope that things can start to improve somehow but having a lot of change is unsettling whether it turns out to be for the better or not. #WotW

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