Reader Interactions


  1. Karen

    I was 4 at the time of the Silver Jubilee but I remember there was a big party at the local church or the cricket ground… and I was dressed as a nurse! We were going to have my parents over but Covid has put paid to that 🙁

  2. Kim Carberry

    Ahh! We have been celebrating lots and taking advantage of what’s been going on locally. It is a bit of history, I like the Queen and she has done so well ruling the country for 70 years.
    The Silver jubilee celebrations sound wonderful. I can remember something about the Golden Jubilee when I was at school and I don’t remember the Diamond Jubilee at all, that one seems to have passed my by. lol
    I hope you have had a lovely time no matter what you do. x

  3. Joleisa

    We have stayed away from social media, even radio and tv recently. But I know there’s much negativity surrounding the monarchy. I do understand some of the reasoning. I think it’s a nice thing to celebrate though. 70 years is a long time… and some of the family members seem nice. Very few houses in my area have been decorated ( we had a little walk around yesterday). At home, we had our own little tea party, just the two of us. Hope you thoroughly enjoy the festivities.

  4. Louise (Little Hearts, Big Love)

    What lovely memories from the Silver Jubilee. I wasn’t born until a couple of years after the Silver Jubilee but I remember some of the Golden Jubilee celebrations on TV but don’t really remember marking it particularly although I did take baby Jessica to a street party held by the local church for the Diamond Jubilee. I hope you managed to find some way to celebrate and enjoy the Platinum Jubilee weekend. We had a community picnic in the park which was really lovely. #WotW

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