Reader Interactions


  1. Kim Carberry

    I never thought I would be happy to see grey skies but I was so glad after the heatwave.
    It sounds like the damp pillowcase came in really handy, especially with the power cut.
    Oh no! Poor Star. I hope she feels better soon. Sending love and hugs. x

  2. Karen

    Poor Star 🙁 Good luck with getting her sorted. I was very glad when the temperature dropped! Sir dislikes fans and open windows, both trigger meltdowns.. so we melted..

  3. Louise (Little Hearts, Big Love)

    It has been really hot hasn’t it? Glad you were able to keep cool and that the damp pillow helped. I really struggled with the heat on Tuesday. So sorry that Star is still unwell though – hope you can get an appointment with the specialist soon x #WotW

  4. Joleisa

    Well, glad to know you managed the heat well. I never heard about the wet pillowcase but I did hear about putting your sheet and pillowcase in the freezer hours before bed time! Hope your daughter gets sorted soon. And thanks for allowing us to share.

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