Reader Interactions


  1. Joleisa

    YAY! Bring on the celebrations. Sounds like you are all going to have a lovely summer and I hope it all goes to plan. Lots of birthdays to celebrate. Sounds like you outdid yourself with the cake for your eldest daughter, lol. Have a great one.

  2. Kim Carberry

    Ahh! I saw it was your eldest daughters birthday and thought it’s the start of birthday season for you.
    The cake sounds fab and I hope you have a lovely evening tonight.
    It always seems crazy to think how quickly our kids grow up. I remember yours when they were really young. My two are turning 15 and 20 over the next few months. Eek!
    Congratulations to Star for getting into a new college. Redoing her GCSE’s seem like a great idea. x

  3. Ruth

    It’s almost hard to believe we are already halfway through the year. Sounds like the next six months is a fun time for your family!

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