Reader Interactions


  1. Joleisa

    This post is right up my street. I really love to stop and count my blessings, no matter what. But I know what you mean, some of it is personal and or private.

  2. Kim Carberry

    I am loving Blogtober and I am grateful that it is a thing. It’s nice to have the prompts to give me a break from coming up with new ideas. hehehe
    I am grateful for you hosting WotW every week, it’s one of my favourite linkies. x

  3. Louise (Little Hearts, Big Love)

    I like the sound of Blogtober – maybe I’ll try and join in next year. Lovely list of things to be grateful for. I’m grateful for your Word of the Week linky too. Always lovely to join in. Thank you for hosting it each week. Hope you had a good weekend. #WotW

  4. Natalie

    I’m so grateful for blogtober every year because it helps me grow my blog and instagram following. Thanks for sharing!

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