Reader Interactions


  1. Kim Carberry

    Thank you for the mention. There is so much that you can do with pumpkins apart from just carving them.
    What great ideas. We have a lot of Halloween decorations that we use year after year and my youngest is using a Halloween canvas bag for trick or treating that she’s had for about 5 years. Charity shops are great for Halloween costumes, I was in one a couple of weeks ago and there was tons to choose from all at cheap prices. x

  2. Claire

    Great tips for an eco Halloween. I love the thought of going to a pumpkin parlour for the kids to carve their pumpkins. My eldest daughter likes charity shops, she buys clothes to make a costume instead of buying a costume lol xxx

  3. Ruth

    These are really great tips. You don’t have to spend a fortune to have a fun time! I like the idea of going to second-hand shops for costumes. The pumpkin parlour sounds like a great place to visit and it’s so good to hear that they use the scraps to feed the animals.

  4. chickenruby

    Everything I have for Halloween is either hand made or bought in charity shops and is reused every year. The only waste is the pumpkin flesh as I really don’t like it, although quite a few years, I’ve carved a melon so nothing goes to waste. Thanks for linking with #pocolo

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