Reader Interactions


  1. Kim Carberry

    I am loving I am a Celeb, it is so much better in the jungle than in the castle in Wales. As much as I hate Hancock I am really disliking Boy George more.
    I am glad you are feeling better this week.
    That is really a good quote. It is really fitting for me after the past week and fighting for the best care for my youngest to do with her hearing aid. x

  2. Joleisa

    We have been enjoying the jungle antics too, sometimes a day late because sometimes we fall asleep before it starts. Sometimes our days are just too busy. I quite like the quote. Hopefully you and your family will continue fighting and enjoy good quality lives with the healthcare you deserve.

  3. Louise (Little Hearts, Big Love)

    I’ve never really watched I’m a Celebrity although I was aware of Matt Hancock being in it this year. Glad you are feeling better this week and hope that the rib/stomach pain is better soon as well. That quote is a good one. It’s good that Boo is standing up to challenges more and hope that things do improve for Star and your fight for her to have a life free from pain is one that you are able to win. #WotW

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