Reader Interactions


  1. Kim Carberry

    We are just finishing our half term here. Ugh! I could do with another week to have some lazy days. lol
    How lovely that your brother and sister and law came to visit.
    Hooray for Star getting a bank account open, we finally got my youngest one sorted this past week too. x

  2. Louise (Little Hearts, Big Love)

    Hope you have a good half-term. Ours was this week. How lovely that you had a visit from your brother and sister-in-law and great-nephew and went to see the ballet. Sleeping Beauty is one of my favourites and I’ve seen Matthew Bourne’s version on TV and loved it. It must be wonderful to see it live on stage. Well done for managing to get out with Star and open her bank account. #WotW

  3. Karen

    Well done Star for getting out and sorting the bank account, not the easiest of tasks at the best of times. Half term for us too. Hope your’s goes well.

  4. Jane - Our Little Escapades

    It’s nice that you got to see your brother. I was delayed seeing my brother this year due to one thing or another. It’s nice that you finally got out too. I hope Star is doing OK? At least you got the bank account sorted out. They keep closing branches but we are having to go into them more and more recently #WotW

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