Reader Interactions


  1. Kim Carberry

    Oh wow! What a great gift from your eldest.
    I am hoping to get some baking done now the Easter holidays are almost over.
    Oh gosh! Sending love and hugs. I hope the tests for cancer don’t bring back anything nasty. x

  2. Sarah MumofThree World

    I hope the results of your test come back OK. What an incredible thing to be part off.
    I’m very impressed that you used to bake along with Bake Off every week! I absolutely love Bake Off, but have never actually tried baking. I leave that to my daughter!
    The Stand Up to Cancer episodes have been amazing. My favourite is Adele Roberts, who is inspirational, having only recently recovered from cancer herself and getting out there and spreading the message. She was still on chemo when they filmed her episode and she’s running the London Marathon tomorrow!

  3. joleisa

    That’s a lovely apron. I haven’t been able to watch any of the bake-offs recently. I did watch Celebrity Hunted and that was good too. Good on you to take part in that research re cancer. I hope it goes well.

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