Reader Interactions


  1. Ruth

    You have achieved so much this week! All the best as you go another round with getting the help that your little man needs with his schooling. They shouldn’t make these things so hard!! It’s so great that you were able to organise some benefits for Star and hopefully, she will be able to get back to college soon.

  2. Louise (Little Hearts, Big Love)

    Good luck with your Little Man’s EHCP appeal. So frustrating that these things are frequently refused initially. Glad you’ve got your driving licence back and sorted out Star’s benefit claim too. Hope that things start to improve for her soon health-wise. #WotW

  3. Jane - Our Little Escapades

    Even though you had a break from this log it sounds like you did so much. I have to laugh at them totally missing that your son is not at school but I’m also not surprised by this. Glad you got something sorted out for Star. The benefits system really isn’t easy to navigate #WotW

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