Reader Interactions


  1. Kim Carberry

    This year is going way too fast!
    I am glad things have got better for your Little Man at school. I hope things continue to improve.
    That is great that Boo is so excited for college and it being close to home is a big bonus.
    Good luck to Star for going without her catheter. x

  2. Ruth

    Sounds like there are lots of fun things to look forward to! That’s a lot of birthdays to celebrate in a short space of time but I’m sure you’ll all have a lovely time. Hope your little Man has better days at school and settles in well. It’s great that Boo is looking forward to college and that’s wonderful news about Star.

  3. Louise (Little Hearts, Big Love)

    Sorry to hear that Little Man’s return to school didn’t start well but glad it improved as the week went on and fingers crossed that continues to be the case for him. How lovely that Boo is so excited about starting college. Good luck to her with starting in September. Lots of things to hopefully look forward to as well in the coming weeks. Fingers crossed for Star’s catheter trial. #WotW

  4. Jane - Our Little Escapades

    I hope your son’s schooling continues to get better. I would have chosen the local college too. We are going to have to consider the travelling for Ethan’s college options, I really want to avoid town is possible. That’s a lot of birthdays! We have a six-month break after our little lady’s this month. I like that. #WotW

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