Reader Interactions


  1. Shiju Sugunan

    What a heartwarming and delightful Sunday snapshot! Congratulations on reaching this major milestone. Wishing you many more memorable moments with Boo. Loved the mosaic!

  2. Kim Carberry

    What is it about teens leaving school and getting a new haircut. lol My girl is wanting her’s cut and dyed which will probably happen over the next couple of weeks.
    Well done to Boo with her exams.
    What wonderful photos. x

  3. Carol

    I remember graduating from high school and deciding to cut my long hair. What a mistake! I got the worse cut in the world and had to let it grow out my freshman year in college. #MMBC

  4. Ruth

    Congratulations to Boo on finishing school, what a great milestone! The photos of her as a little girl are adorable and it’s great that you were able to snap a pic of her earlier this year. I’m always trying to take sneaky pics of my boys but I’m not very successful.

  5. RachelSwirl

    Bless, she looks quite relaxed in the picture. It’s so stressful being a teenager these days, especially for those on the spectrum (trust me, I know). Thanks for sharing and for linking up with #MySundaySnapshot.

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