Reader Interactions


  1. Catherine

    I’m sorry to read that Little Man has had such a tough time with bullies. It does sound like the school is doing everything it can to help. I hope that the next couple of weeks go smoothly so that he can enjoy his summer without worrying about going back.


  2. Kim Carberry

    The schools have really let your boy and you down with the bullying issues. Kids can be so cruel, keep on at the school and report every little thing. You know my girls were bullied. The only way to get my eldest girls bullies stopped was to involve the police, I rang 101 asking for advice and thankfully cyberbullying was a crime but they also said to me they can get involved if the school isn’t doing enough to stop bullies, it turns physical or anything happens outside of school.
    I hope the next couple of weeks go OK and he has a fab summer. x

  3. Ruth

    So sorry to hear what happened to your Little Man and that he received no help or support from the school. I’m here shaking my head because of how those teachers made all those excuses for the bullies! I really hope that this time the school will keep measures in place so that your Litte Man will be able to learn and thrive in a safe environment. Sending hugs and prayers xx

  4. Louise (Little Hearts, Big Love)

    Poor Little Man, what a tough time he has had with school and it makes me so cross that the bullying kept continuing without the school stepping in. I’m sorry that his first day back didn’t go so well but it sounds like the school are taking things more seriously this time and I really hope that things continue to improve for him x #MMBC

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