Reader Interactions


  1. Louise (Little Hearts, Big Love)

    Proud is a lovely word for your week. I’m glad that Boo’s made friends and is excited to start college. Hope she settles in well and enjoys it. That’s great that your kids have all pulled together so well during your treatment this week. Good luck with getting more answers for Star and hope you can get an earlier appointment for her too. You should definitely be proud of yourself too – these last few months must have been so hard and you’ve got through the summer and coped with it. Well done to you all. Hope that the autumn will be a little easier on you all x #WotW

  2. Kim Carberry

    You have so many reasons to be proud of your kids.
    Boo has done great with her GCSE’s and Star really is a Star! She has been through so much and the waiting sounds awful.
    Good on you for being proud of yourself too! You should be, you have dealt with more than the average person lately. x

  3. Ruth

    That’s wonderful Anne! You have so many reasons to be proud. Well done to Boo with her results and all the best as she starts college. Fingers crossed you get some answers for Star. Your kids sound terrific! They looked after things so well when you were recovering. I hope you have a great month ahead.

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