Reader Interactions


  1. joleisa

    You’ve really had it this week. I am so disgusted when poor customer service happens! So disappointed. That happened to us when we went into a store on our local High Street to purchase an American style fridge freezer. All the staff members watched us going round and round and no one offered assistance. I think you should name the place on your social media accounts. MAybe ask for people to share it too. And that’s great news about the EHCP. Fingers crossed with you for a fab weekend.

  2. Louise (Little Hearts, Big Love)

    That does sound like quite a rollercoaster of a week. Glad that things got sorted out in the end with Little Man’s detention and that he’s got his EHCP. Good luck with getting to grips with everything. What appalling customer service you had in Currys. I hope you hear back regarding your complaint. At least you managed to get the computer cheaper elsewhere. How lovely to have flowers from your brother and sister-in-law. Hope Boo is feeling better now. #WotW

  3. Kim Carberry

    I think Rollercoaster could sum up your whole year. You certainly have had a lot of ups and downs.
    Aww! Your poor Little Man. It sounds like there was a lot of confusion. I am glad he got a full apology.
    I have heard really bad things about Currys lately. Lots of people are complaining about their customer service or lack of it. Stu used to work in Currys and the staff would have got such a telling off if they didn’t greet and assist customers as soon as they walked in the stores.
    That is fantastic news about the EHCP for your Little Man. I hope it can be some help in the future.
    I hope Boo is feeling better now and how lovely for you to see your brother and sister in law. x

  4. Jayne

    Rollercoaster seems very fitting for your word of the week! That is shocking behaviour from the staff at Currys, cheeky sods. At least you found a better deal elsewhere!
    Great news about your little man getting his EHCP, I hope this opens some doors to further support for him.
    Hope you are having a better weekend. xx

  5. Ruth

    Wow, it really was a rollercoaster week! I’m glad that the school gave your Little man a full apology, what an upsetting day you both must have had with all that confusion. Rude customer service really makes me mad! Years ago a saleswoman was very rude to my mum. I think she thought that she could get away with being rude to an elderly person and didn’t realise that I was with her as I was looking at something a bit away from my mum. I quietly but firmly told her off which is out of character for me! But I was also proud of myself for defending my mum.

    • Anne Sweet

      Well done for defending your Mum, I really think I was ignored and abused because I was in a wheelchair. But, I’m only physically disabled, no-one gets away with treating me like that, I’ve made a formal complaint.

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