Reader Interactions


  1. Kim Carberry

    Good on you for de-registering your son from school. I hope you get him into another school soon, I am sure the EHCP will help.
    It sounds like quite an adventure at the hospital. Oh no, sorry you have been unwell, I hope you are feeling better now. x

  2. Ruth

    That’s no good that you have been unwell Anne. Hope you feel better soon so that you can continue with this month’s treatment. I hope you find the right learning environment for your Little Man and sorry to hear that it didn’t work out with the school.

  3. Jane - Our Little Escapades

    I hope you find something right for Little Man. It must be so frustrating. Is that a new series on Netflix? I feel like I have heard about that show before. I want to read Richards’s books, they are on my reading list. I hope you are feeling better now x #WotW

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