Reader Interactions


  1. joleisa

    The German market sounds like a lot of fun! I wish I could brave the cold! One day this week I was on the bus but it got so cold that I actually felt ANGRY! lol Glad the kids had a whale of a time. Re the week numbers, I never ever checked, I always just assume it is right as you put it. Anyway, have a blessed weekend and a great week next.

  2. Lisa | Handmade in Israel

    I have such a nice memory of the one Christmas market we went when we were in London years ago. The Schokokuss are a big thing here in Israel. We call them Krembo and everyone loves them. In the summer we eat ice cream and in the winter Krembo.

    • Anne Sweet

      I love that you have Krembo. The closest thing I think we have to Schokokuss are chocolate tea cakes, which are not to be confused with baked tea cakes. But they do have a wafer and marshmallow and covered in chocolate.

  3. Kim Carberry

    Oops! I never noticed you messed up what week we were on. I went wrong doing my Project 365 post earlier in the year.
    I am so glad you got to go to the Christmas market. It sounds like you had a fantastic day! I love the sound of all of the food.
    The nearest big markets near us are York or Lincoln which I would love to visit but I imagine them being so busy and expensive. x

  4. Karen

    Last time I went to the Christmas market was accident! We were meant to be seeing Deep Purple at the NIA but because half of Birmingham was being dug up for the trams we didn’t get there so we went round the market instead.

    • Anne Sweet

      I hadn’t been since before they started working on the trams. I was curious to see how you’d get through to the NIA from New St Station without using a tram, but we didn’t have time.

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