Reader Interactions


  1. Kim Carberry

    Oh wow! What a fantastic gift from your daughter! I did think of you when I saw it was Sir Terry Pratchett’s birthday yesterday. I have never read the book but I have seen the Amazon show and loved it. x

  2. Soma @

    Oh that is a fun take on Tarot cards. I have almost all of the Discworld series books and a few others by Terry Pratchett. I have not seen the TV show. I am sure it was great with David David Tennent and Michael Sheen.


  3. Rachel Phillips

    Oh my goodness I didn’t know that this Tarot deck existed. Being a HUGE Tori Amos fan (and in turn a Neil Gaiman fan) I may have to order myself a copy. Thanks for sharing and for linking up with #MySundaySnapshot.

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