Reader Interactions


  1. Michelle

    Oh the beach! I can’t wait until it’s warm enough here to go to the beach. The beaches are still closed here until Memorial Day though which isn’t until the end of Next month but oh I’m looking forward to it:) #MMBC

  2. Coombe Mill

    The kids look like they had a wonderful time exploring Minehead with their dad, it’s great that you all managed to enjoy your time away. I hope the blogging retreat was fun, I saw everyone journeying and was glad the weather stayed good for you all. It’s a shame they didn’t make it to Dunster castle, but overall it looks like a wonderful little break in Minehead.

    Thanks for sharing with me on #CountryKids.

  3. Pinkoddy

    What a lovely idea to have your family nearby for you – looks like they had a great time. And how lucky with the weather. Hope the amusement arcade didn’t break the bank mind!

  4. Louise (Little Hearts, Big Love)

    So glad that all the kids had fun while you got to enjoy the blogger retreat. The beach at Minehead is a lovely one – we have happy memories of time spent there too. Love the sound of the railway museum – it’s a shame they didn’t go on a train but sounds like they had fun all the same. #countrykids

  5. Kids of the Wild

    Lovely to have the kids and husband nearby so you could attend the retreat. It sounds like they had a great time, and I read the retreat post too. You all had a fab weekend! #CountryKids

  6. Jo

    Steam train, beach and ice cream – how fantastic! I know what you mean though sometimes a steam train activity can take a whole day and it leaves you with little time for other things. Looks like a great time was had by all! Hope you enjoyed the blogger retreat- sounds fantastic! #CountryKids

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