Reader Interactions


  1. The Reading Residence

    That Whill certainly looks and sounds great, but so very expensive, too, so I can see your dilemma. How very frustrating, especially as you’d hoped going to the show would make things clearer for you. I hope you find something more suitable soon x Thanks for sharing with #WotW

  2. Kim Carberry

    It really doesn’t sound easy being on wheels….It must be such a hard decision to decide which one to choose as they are so expensive. I hope you find something which works for you soon x

  3. Angela Webster

    The chairs that are available really are amazing and I imagine would make life so much easier for you, they really should be more affordable. I hope you can find a way to perhaps save for one x

  4. Cheryl | Time To Craft

    Now I’m sure you can’t be the only one with that list of requirements. Sound quite reasonable to me. Wheelchair manufacturers should be queuing up to work with you to produce their new range. I really hope you find a realistic solution. The Retreat did look good. Glad you enjoyed it. #wotw

  5. Debbie

    Hi Anne, the Naidex44 show sounds like the perfect place to get an idea of what gizmos and gadgets are out there to help make a person with a disability’s life easier. I bet you were like a child in a sweet shop! It’s a shame the chair you have no isn’t so good on the rough and that a suitable replacment will cost so much. I have no experience of wheel chairs, but would describe myself as a comfort loving person. The Whill looks both sturdy and comfortable,… Maybe one day?


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