Reader Interactions


  1. Sarah MumofThree World

    Lovely photos! Halloween is going to be very low-key here as my daughter has a rehearsal at 6.30pm! She will probably just go round to my parents’ and one or two neighbours early on. My boys aren’t interested in trick or treating at all.

  2. Soma

    It’s wonderful that the kids can curve their pumpkins in a special workshop. The photos and the pumpkins look fabulous! Celebrating Halloween at home can be a lot of fun. Good food, fun movies are always my favourites 🙂

    Thank You so much for linking up on Wandering Camera!


  3. junieper2

    Pumpkin and orange cake sounds really good:)
    Great pumpkin carving …mom:)
    Sounds like the kids need/want a change for Halloween? When my kids were young they often went to a Harvest Festival, having a fun time with other kids (several churches organize this event as an alternative fun event)
    Before I forget, am having All Seasons open all week (till Friday noon), so you still can add one of these cute pics! )
    if you forgot the url – have a beautiful week! jesh(Junieper)

  4. Junieper

    Thank you for linking! Yesterday I was for some time here to read about the stiff syndrome – very educative!. Mind boggling how hard every day life may be for you, and have great respect for the way you are still able to be a mom and wife. Never give up dear friend! Have a wonderful weekend:)

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