Recently, I was contacted by Neveo and asked if I would like to try their product. I was really thrilled and I have been dying to tell you all about my experience with it.
If you are a regular reader you will know how much I love my photographs. I love printing them off and making photo books too and I’ve shared many of them with you.
We like to share our photos over social media, with a click of a button you can share on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter etc. But what if the person you want to share with doesn’t use technology? We tend to forget that there is a whole generation out there that finds technology difficult to master. My Mother had never been near a computer and my Mother-in-law really has no clue what to do on one. Even her mobile phone is used for calls only.
Staying Connected
Neveo asked me to make a magazine of photos to send on a regular basis to my kid’s grandma. With their app. on my phone I can transfer photo’s directly and add some text. Then Neveo take them and print them in a lovely glossy magazine.
We used to live in the same street at the kid’s Grandma and she would see them every day. Since we moved away they see her less and less, and she’s missing out. But, even if we were still living nearby, I’m sure she’d love a magazine of their photos every month. It’s such a lovely gift, something to treasure.
You can use it for other family members too, just create a profile for Grandad, Auntie, Uncle, Cousin etc. The choice is yours. Once you’ve chosen your recipient you can also ask other family members to join in and add their photos to the same account. For example, for my kid’s Grandma we also asked my husband’s brother to add photos of his children, her other grandchildren. Then all the photos were combined in one album.
The whole process was simple and the finished magazine was a real treat.
How it Works
You can pick an album of up to 50 or 100 photos to be sent every month. For 50 photos the price is £9.99 per month, for 100 it’s £14.99. There is no extra cost for postage even if you are sending it to another country and you can cancel at any time. Currently there is a special offer of 3 months free on a yearly subscription.
Then you download the app. on your phone and start adding photos to your album from your camera roll, Google or even Facebook. You can also view these on your online account and add extra photos from your computer.
You can also invite other family members to add their photos. They will need to add their own name and password, and only they will be able to add text to their photos.
You can write a quick description about each photo, or add a couple of sentences to make it more personal and chatty, like writing a letter.
The app. sizes and prints the photos along with the text which means you don’t have to spend hours organising and editing. You can however, move the order of the photos around if you wish.
At the end of the month the magazine is printed and sent off to it’s recipient who it going to be thrilled to receive it.
Neveo currently has a special Christmas offer where you can get 3 months free on a yearly subscription.
You can download Neveo on IOS Apple
Or Android or you can visit the website
What do you think? Do you have family member who’d love to receive this every month?
Disclosure: I was asked to review this product but all thoughts and opinions are my own.
This is an absolutely lovely gift for loved ones to have. #MMBC
What a lovely gift for someone to treasure. I’m a big fan of photo books, they make lovely keepsakes.
Thanks for sharing with #MMBC. Have a great weekend. x