Reader Interactions


  1. Angela Webster

    Being lazy is exactly what the Christmas holidays were made for, a chance to recharge your batteries before the new year starts so I don’t blame you. We got a little out of routine with bedtimes and getting up in the mornings so the kids have been a bit tired this first week back at school. It sounds like you’ve gotten into the swing of things really easily which is great. Have a lovely weekend x #wotw

  2. Emma

    Some of my best memories of Christmas are sitting in the front room playing with toys, watching films and eating food. I don’t think it matters what you do over Christmas, it’s the fact that you’re spending it together that matters! I’ll take my badge for most cliche comment now thank you, haha! Very excited to be back into a routine myself now and back to blogging 🙂 #WotW

  3. Astrid

    It’s so good to be back to your usual routine. I love lazy days sometimes, but after Christmas and new year’s I too was longing to get back to my normal routine.

  4. Sarah Christie

    I think this is the perfect time fo year for lazy days, we have been pretty chilled over here too. Life is so busy and we should always think about making time for nothing otherwise everyone expects to be entertained all the time x

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