Reader Interactions


  1. Nige

    Sounds like it is all going very well so happy you have found a good school that suits your boy excellent update Thanks for linking to #Thatfridaylinky hope to see you next week

  2. Michelle Kellogg

    I didn’t know childcare was a class. Now they have it for an elective is the students want in my son’s high school but it’s not mandatory and both boys and girls can take the class. I do remember being made to take Home-Ec when I was in Junior high while the boys took Shop. I learned how to cook and sew, which actually I didn’t learn because I hated the class. Especially the sewing. Now Home-Ec, like Childcare, is an elective and anyone can choose to take it. So interesting how time has changed since then. #MMBC

  3. Susan Mann

    I am so pleased it is going well for you both, sounds like you a have a good school. Such a good update and nice to hear. I just had my first dealing with headlice late last year, it was awful. xx

  4. Louisa

    I found the back to school programme very interesting. We never had childcare classes but sewing was compulsory. (I actually wish I had paid more attention at the time). However we also got to do woodwork so think we got the best of both worlds. As for nits, 2 years ago we seemed to have them constantly. Couldn’t get rid of them for love nor money. Thankfully now the cohort has changed and we are critter free! #mmbc

  5. Kim Carberry

    I have been recording Back in Time for School. We haven’t got around to watching it yet though.
    I did childcare at school which was only in the mid 90’s hehehe and my teen was taught about babies in Health & Social care.
    It sounds like all your kids are doing great! What a difference in your Little Man. It just goes to show you were right in moving him.
    You’ve said it now, every time I say we’ve had no head lice they seem to appear. hehehe

  6. Laurie

    I never had a childcare class, but we (girls) did have to learn how to make a bed, how to cook, sew, iron and keep a house while the boys got to build interesting stuff!

  7. Lucy At Home

    It’s funny how much the school curriculum has changed, isn’t it! Although I do think it would be good to include a few of those “old” lessons because I don’t have a clue how to sew and I always feel embarrassed when I have to ask my mum to sew on my daughter’s brownie badges! Haha.

    I’m so glad your kids are feeling settled at school – it makes such a difference to their learning when they feel settled where they are #blogcrush

    • Anne Sweet

      I hated sewing classes, but one of the first things I bought when I was earning money after leaving school, was a sewing machine! I still don’t like sewing much though.

  8. Lisa Pomerantz

    I’m with you Anne. And, I think I learned how to make beef stroganoff and mac and cheese. Crazy! Thankfully, our girls have no such limiting moves in their curriculum. xoxo #thatfridaylinky xoxo

  9. chickenruby

    Oh my word, I used to teach those classes, putting a cloth nappy on a doll. Am I really that old? Thankfu;ly my school days are long gone now as my 5 have all left home #blogcrush

  10. ESI Training Courses QLD

    The comparison of education “now” and “then” in this article is both thought-provoking and enlightening. It effectively illustrates how educational methods and tools have evolved over the years, reflecting the changing needs of society and technology. The article serves as a valuable reminder of the progress made in education and the importance of adapting teaching approaches to meet the demands of a rapidly evolving world.

  11. kindergarten Springfield

    As an avid reader, I found the comparison between education now and in the past to be thought-provoking and insightful. The author’s reflections on the evolution of educational methods shed light on the shifts in priorities and approaches over time, prompting me to consider the effectiveness and relevance of modern educational practices. This article sparked introspection on the intersection of tradition and innovation in education, leaving me with a deeper appreciation for the complexities of preparing children for the future.

  12. Sahid Chowdhury

    Education is the key to unlocking opportunities and empowering individuals to reach their full potential. It encompasses formal schooling as well as informal learning experiences throughout life. Education equips people with knowledge, skills, and critical thinking abilities necessary for personal growth, professional success, and contributing to society.

    In today’s rapidly evolving world, education goes beyond traditional classroom settings. It includes online learning, vocational training, mentorship, and self-directed study. Lifelong learning is increasingly important as new technologies emerge and industries evolve.

    Quality education is a fundamental human right and a cornerstone of sustainable development. It not only benefits individuals but also strengthens communities and economies. Access to education for all, regardless of gender, ethnicity, socioeconomic status, or geographical location, is essential for building a more equitable and prosperous world. What aspect of education interests you the most?

  13. AMS Academy

    The basis of our civilization is its educational system, which develops young minds and promotes advancement in all spheres. They are more than just educational settings—they are communities that mold character, impart values, and get kids ready for life’s problems. In addition to academics, schools provide a range of experiences that set students up for success. Let’s acknowledge the vital role that education plays in shaping the leaders of tomorrow. 

    Thanks goes to you…

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