Reader Interactions


  1. Elaine Livingstone

    Sorry to read they are considering cutting your treatment, hope they can come up with something else in its place.
    As long as you are still safe to drive I think you should go with the car you can drive and have it adapted, it is losing a level of independence having you car taken away.

  2. Louise (Little Hearts, Big Love)

    Such a lot to process this week. So sorry that your appointment on Monday was such a difficult one. Having to make a decision over the car and whether to continue to drive is a difficult one too. Sorry to hear about your ex-husband’s sister too. Glad that Little Man is doing well though and well done to Boo too on her RE test. Thanks for hosting #WotW

  3. Louisa

    Oh my goodness, what a week you have had. I am so sorry that they are considering stopping your treatment. I am sure that budget is a huge factor in some treatment decisions and I am astounded that they want to withdraw something that is benefiting you. #wotw

  4. Angela Webster

    I’m so sorry to hear about your treatment Anne, could you ask for a second opinion it seems wrong to take away the only thing that gives you some relief. I’m glad you’ve had some happy news this week too, well done to your little man and Boo, what a great achievement for them both. I hope you can come to a decision about the car it would be a shame if you had to stop driving x

  5. Cheryl | TimeToCraft

    What a week. Why can’t issues space themselves out to maybe one decision a week? Nice to have good news as well. Well done Boo and Little Man. I’m glad they are ending the term on a positive.

    Thanks for hosting and I hope next week is more straightforward.

  6. Kim Carberry

    Sending you a massive. Hug. It sounds like you need one. You have had a lot going on this past week.
    I am so sorry the appointment with the consultant didn’t go well. I can’t imagine how you are feeling now.
    Well done to your Little Man. What a difference the new school has made to him and well done to Boo too! That is an amazing result!
    Good luck with choosing the car x

  7. Sarah Christie

    Aw Anne it sounds like a tough week but with sunshine. Well done little man for getting the end of term treats that is such a motivator for him and he really seems to be progressing. And well done Bo that’s amazing. That terrible news about the children aunt it must be sad for them. And the car decision is a tough one, do you go out on your own? Would it reduce your freedom? If so I would go for the option that keeps your freedom, but I don’t envy you making that decision. I hope your consultant comes up trumps and your new treatment is more of a success you really deserve a break and a bit of luck Anne, sending love xxx

  8. Laurie

    So sorry to read that your consultant is being rather difficult. I hope he reconsiders. It seems like all the emotions this week are negative ones, or at least anxious ones. Great job, Boo for the 100%! That is a bright spot.

  9. Karen Blower

    That’s quite the week you’ve had 🙁 can you ask for a second opinion about your treatment? or are you able to get it privately? Take it all one bit at a time and you’ll get there (easy for me to say I know) sending a hug xx

  10. Ojo Henley

    What an awful week, well except for your little man. I hope they can come up with some other treatment, as just stopping it seems a bit cruel. As for the car, I agree with one of the other comments, go with what you can adapt, as the loss of independence may be too much x
    Thanks for hosting #wotw at this rough time x

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