Reader Interactions


  1. Ali Duke

    I know how you feel with the regrouping. I don’t suffer with chronic pain, but I do suffer with severe depressive disorder. Sometimes I have to put myself first and see where I am with things and then move forward from there. I was put forward for group therapy, they said at the time there was a 3 month waiting list, 5 months later and I am still waiting. In the 6 months this episode has been going on all I have had is monthly appointments to check my medication, nothing to actually help me cope, I’ve had to do that on my own. Like you, I am making myself go out, sitting at home on my own does me no good.

  2. Angela Webster

    I love this post so much Anne, you are such an amazing lady with immense strength of spirit. Your plans, goals and challenges all sound like they will help you feel better mentally, it’s always good to have something to focus on. The retreat sounds like a great idea, I hope it gives you a real boost x

  3. betty - NZ

    I’ve visited your blog several times but never read your story about your health until today. I admire your gumption to keep a ‘normal’ life and will keep you in my thoughts and prayers.

  4. Sheryl

    Hi Anne, so glad to have you with us in the monthly linkup again! Fully agree with how life with chronic illness feels like a neverending catching up on life! Also loved your interpretation of the prompts. Thanks for sharing!

  5. Sheryl

    Hi Anne, thanks for joining us again, and for sharing your take on this month’s prompts! Always good to hear from another point of view 🙂 I agree fully about how life with chronic illness feels like a constant lag and catching up on life.

    I too am never bored alone at home, but need to get out more, and have been! It has been really good for me mentally, but I really need to balance that out with my health, too. The pain returns just too easily.

    Wishing you a fab May! x

  6. Tracey Abrahams

    Hi Anne, I can see how life with a chronic illness means you are constantly playing catch up. I sort of feel this way with my mental health, although I know it’s not quite the same.

    Its great that you have such a positive attitude towards life though, and I look forward to hearing more about your crochet projects xx

  7. Jennifer

    Regrouping is definitely a common theme of chronic illness and I really find it difficult to know what to prioritise too! I agree with what you said on diet. I try to eat really well in order to boost my health and eating well absolutely helps with my mental health too. I hope the retreat is good and I hope your mental health improve. You are clearly a very strong person!

  8. Rhiann

    Hello, once again, Anne.

    Another lovely blog post and brilliant use of the prompts for this month. I loved your perspective on how chronic illness feels like a never-ending catch up on life! It’s so true, isn’t it?

    I loved how you’ve set yourself a goal of getting out of the house at least once a week, it’s such a great idea and I know myself that when I do so, it makes me feel so much better mentally and appreciate a change of scenery!

    Best wishes for the rest of the month


  9. Michelle Kellogg

    I do fall behind sometimes. It seems for me to be certain months of the year where I fall behind because I get so busy during those months. But I do hope you are able to get back on track with your health. That’s so important! I like your grouping of how to do that. #abitofeverything

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