Reader Interactions


  1. Louise (Little Hearts, Big Love)

    There always seems to be huge amounts of washing to do after a holiday even when you try and reduce it by doing some while you’re away! We do the same with putting dirty clothes in one suitcase and clean ones in the other. Hopefully you’ve also had good drying weather for it too. Hope Star has a lovely 14th birthday. Thanks for hosting #WotW x

  2. Angela Webster

    It sounds like you had a lovely holiday, there’s always the inevitable washing mountain when you get home it really is unavoidable. Another birthday wow! It must be lovely to have lots of things to celebrate though, I love how you let the kids choose their birthday treat. I hope this weekend is a restful one for you with a lot less washing to do x

    • Anne Sweet

      The washing is never ending with a family of 7, I swear I spend 2 hours a day folding it, lol. Star missed out on her birthday Pizza last year because we were coming home from holiday, so it was good to enjoy it again. x

  3. Kim Carberry

    That is a great idea going to the laundrette before you came home.
    The washing always seems to be never ending doesn’t it!
    Ohh! Happy birthday to Star! I hope you have a fab meal out.

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