Reader Interactions


  1. Louise (Little Hearts, Big Love)

    I’m sorry to hear that everyone has been ill this week and that you’re struggling with pain. Hope that the self-help methods can ease it for you and that everyone feels better over the weekend. Definitely worth speaking to the GP about your sleep issues as they might be able to refer you for a sleep study to see if there is something that they can help with. Hope you have a lovely time at the party tonight and enjoy seeing The Red Shoes tomorrow. Thanks for hosting #WotW

  2. Cheryl | Time To Craft

    I’m sorry that you are in so much pain. I cannot imagine. I hope something in your books can help you. I suspect that lots of school children have taken a sick day this week. So many sore throats and colds doing the rounds. They are tired too. Hope all yours are feeling better now. Thank goodness for a week off. Lovely to have the ballet to look forward to. Hope you have a wonderful time. Thank you for hosting.

  3. Laurie

    Anne, I think your whole family needs some warm, sunny days and a good rest. I am so sorry to read that all of you are suffering. I hope your plans for this weekend will lift your spirits!

  4. Sarah Christie

    It sounds like you all need half term, I hope the kids are all feeling better soon. It sounds like you have had it so rough Anne, I cant imagine how you deal with it daily. I so hope you manage to keep that pain under control a bit x

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