Reader Interactions


  1. Karen Blower

    Having all that work done at once must be such an upheaval but will be so worth it when it’s finished. I would love a wet room.. I don’t need one, but I’d love one. Tell the workmen to at least pick a station of your choice to listen to!

  2. Louise (Little Hearts, Big Love)

    I’m glad that the wet room is now being installed for you and hope that the work for it is all done as soon as possible and isn’t too disruptive for you all. Good news too with Star’s neurologist appointment although I can imagine that it must feel a little disconcerting that she’ll be treated as a adult from a medical perspective after her appointment next year. It’s good to that you have an answer and that she doesn’t have Marfan Syndrome but I guess it does also bring up questions when you still don’t have any diagnosis that fits in a box. #WotW

  3. Kim Carberry

    I am sure the end result with the shower and lift will be worth all the noise! It sounds like it’s going to really help and not having to deal with the stairs will be amazing!
    That is great news about Star and her neck. What a relief it must be. It is scary when they go up to the adult hospital. Becky has with her latest heart appointments but they are still great with her. The only difference is Becky gets asked all the questions, not me. lol
    Kim Carberry recently posted…This week my Word of the Week is: Busy! #WotW

  4. Lorna @ Gin & Lemonade

    Funny, we recently moved and I miss my wet room! Currently on a waiting list for an assessment, but won’t be a wet room, as we are renting at the moment. I’m going to ask for a lift if the next house is two storeys. Your OT sounds so switched on. Hope she sticks around for you.

  5. Sarah Christie

    Anne I cant imagine what you go through just trying to do normal things, I am so glad these adaptations will make such a huge difference to you, you so deserve it! Thats great news about Star I hope you get to the bottom of it soon x

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