Reader Interactions


  1. Alison

    Hi Ann – I am so with you in the frustration with people who don’t get it. I feel fortunate that I’m not aware of anybody I know well dying from COVID-19, but multiple friends of mine got it and for most it was a bit of a nightmare(one friend just had a bad headache and felt off for a few weeks). I’m still very aware and concerned about COVID-19, but I’m trying to be as active as I can be while staying safe at(and near) home!
    I hope the IVIG treatments are helpful!

  2. Lisa Ehrman

    I appreciated your post. It’s too bad that they didn’t offer you a sedative during the MRI. I’m always offered one. The last time I didn’t take one, but may take it the next time. The noise makes me feel me so unwell.

    • Anne Sweet

      Hi Lisa, I always take my own sedative, they didn’t offer me on the first time, but they did the second. After that I use my own medication as I use sedatives to control my condition when I have a bad day. The noise is awful isn’t it x

  3. Nikki Albert

    I think even my introverted self is feeling a little too confined lately. I don’t get out much anyway but now it seems restrictive and potentially harmful. I am beginning to get bored with the things I do at home and feel stagnant. I don’t like that feeling. In fact I hate that feeling.

    • Anne Sweet

      I understand Nikki, I spend a lot of time stuck at home and sometimes I just start to get cabin fever and feel the need to escape. I’ve really missed my holidays and day trips this year, but somehow knowing that I wasn’t the only person missing out helped a little. Of course since the restrictions were lifted it was different, but I’ve come this far, I’ll just carry on. It has to end some day. Take care and thanks for stopping by.
      Anne Sweet recently posted…Back to School – Or Maybe Not

  4. Catherine Green

    I do understand the helpless feeling when you arrive at hospital and they send you home with no diagnosis or treatment. My rare eye disorder is only known to a small number of specialist eye doctors, and whenever I used to visit the emergency department for help, they would often put an eye patch on and send me home, although I eventually learned that was the worst thing they could do. We battle through our spoonie days!
    Catherine Green recently posted…Back to School & up to 25% off Study Guides

    • Anne Sweet

      So true Catherine, it’s sad that sometimes the treatment we receive make us worse. When my daughter had some bad problems she was sent for physio therapy, thankfully the therapist realised pretty quickly that it was causing my girl more harm than good and contacted her consultant to reconsider her treatment. It probably saved her life. Take care and thanks for stopping by.
      Anne Sweet recently posted…Back to School – Or Maybe Not

  5. Katie Clark

    Such a thoughtfilled, beautifully written response to the prompts. I could feel your ache. It makes me so mad how people not only rile at wearing a mask that would protect others but actually think/say that “this isn’t real.” The can do this out of a place of luxury and ignorance, and won’t really get it until they experience how “life can change in an instant”. Wishing you well.

    • Anne Sweet

      I am so tired of trying to explain to people that I’m completely avoiding the subject now. A mask isn’t a muzzle, the virus is real. That’s the truth and I’m sticking with the facts. Getting a life changing illness is the pits at any age. Take care and thanks for stopping by.
      Anne Sweet recently posted…Back to School – Or Maybe Not

  6. Rhiann

    Hello again Anne, well done on anotner great post this month. I totally get your frustration about people not taking the pandemic seriously; compaining about wearing masks it is really bugging me, especially when keeping to the rules and seeing so many people ignoring them. All the best for the rest of the month!

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