Reader Interactions


  1. Louise (Little Hearts, Big Love)

    Sending you a big virtual hug Anne, it sounds like it’s been a tough week for all of you. Poor Star, it is horrible when blood tests are difficult. Hope that they will go better at the hospital and that the other test helps with getting answers and any treatment she needs. I’m so sorry that Boo is finding things distressing at the moment with school too and hope that the new thing that the school are trying helps. It must be very worrying having a Covid case in Little Man’s school and I hope you can all stay safe and half-term is a much-needed time of rest and relaxation. I wish that you could have 10 years of being back to your old self – I don’t think it is selfish of you to wish you could give your children more than you are currently able to or to have times of longing for the way things used to be. Hope that next week is less overwhelming and easier on you all. Big hugs xx #WotW
    Louise (Little Hearts, Big Love) recently posted…Friday Focus 16/10/20 – Remembering

    • Anne Sweet

      When Star spent a lot of time in hospital she’d go into a panic the second she saw those blue trays (we all know they contain the needles!) She has got a lot better, but only if it works first time, her vaccinations were fine, but blood taking a big no no.

  2. Cheryl | Time To Craft

    Oh my goodness. Poor Star. That must have been such an ordeal and still no answers. Let’s hope that it can be sorted at the hospital appointment and she can get on with life. And poor Boo. It’s not an easy thing to solve. I had to watch one of my besties struggle to get her daughter to go into school. Heart breaking for all. I’m glad your school is dealing sensitively with her. I’m glad your treatment worked and has given you a bit of a lift. You always find something positive to say, but I can appreciate that is not always easy to do. I’m sure your children love having you around.

    • Anne Sweet

      I can’t fault the school. I know they are under pressure to keep the attendance figures up, but they really are going above and beyond to help. I’ve heard so many horror stories from schools, I feel really appreciative. I think I’ll have to sort out some nice Christmas presents to say thanks.

  3. Kim Carberry

    Oh no! Sorry to read about your struggles this week.
    Poor Star. She’s really going through it. I hope she is feeling better soon and the blood tests go well.
    Poor Boo too. I am glad the school have came up with something new and I will be keeping my fingers crossed for you and her that it keeps going well.
    So far we’ve had no cases in my girls school or college but as cases are rising here I am expecting it soon.
    I am glad you are feeling better with having your treatment. x
    Kim Carberry recently posted…This week my Word of the Week is: Grotty! #WotW

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