Reader Interactions


  1. Louise (Little Hearts, Big Love)

    Sanctuary is a lovely word for the week. I love butterflies too. That must have been very worrying with your son ending up in A&E. Glad he is better now and hope your daughter is better soon as well. Sounds like it has been a better week with home-schooling and that’s good news about finding the perfect college course for Star. Hope that she manages to get in. #WotW

    • Anne Sweet

      Yes, our home can be explosive sometimes but it is also our sanctuary and I’m happiest when we are all safe at home. The college sounds perfect I just hope she can get in now we’ve pinned our hopes on it.

  2. Enda Sheppard

    Wow, quite the post, Anne … I find myself reading between the lines and writing the unheard story. Your resilience is truly awesome, and I love the word ‘sanctuary’, and your idea of it. #WOTW

  3. Karen

    I hope everyone is okay now. Glad the home schooling has got better and that you have found a college for Star. I am beginning that process for Sir. I love the idea of home being a sanctuary from the rest of the world.

  4. Kim Carberry

    I love you comparing your family to butterflies. It seems very apt.
    What a worry about your son going to hospital. I am glad he’s feeling much better now and sending hugs to your girl. I hope she feels better soon.
    That’s great news that the kids have been doing more school work. I wouldn’t stress about the PE. That’s good they have dropped the stupid rule about having to wear uniform. I have made a point of making my girls get dressed when they have school work to do but they would just laugh at me if I asked them to wear their uniforms. lol
    Good luck to Star with college and getting on the course that she wants. x
    Kim Carberry recently posted…This week my Word of the Week is: Motivated. #WotW

  5. Cheryl | Time To Craft

    I totally agree that there is no place I’d rather be than at home with my family. You’ve had a tough week. Sending hugs. I’m so glad your son is feeling better. I remember your tweet and have been wondering. Sorry that your daughter is feeling bad now. I can’t believe that your Youngest’s school requires them to wear uniform! Wonderful news that you’ve found somewhere nearby that runs a course that Star is interested in. I’ve got my fingers and toes crossed for her. Hope your weekend is more peaceful this week. #wotw

  6. Jane - Our Little Escapades

    I’m so sorry your son was ill. I know that it was stressful for you. School uniform, why?! As if things weren’t strange enough why throw that stress into the mix! Star, going to college, where has that time gone? I like the sound of her course. Little E wants to work with animals I didn’t know there were other options #WotW

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