Reader Interactions


  1. Karen Blower

    It’s amazing how much you can get done when the kids are at school! I’m glad Little Man has settled back into it and I hope it goes as smoothly as it can for the girls.

  2. Cheryl | Time To Craft

    Wait! They gave you an hour for lunch. I’m jealous. We had half an hour. I’m like you and have lunch when I want, so serving up something in that time was challenging. They did change it to 45 mins after half term. I’m glad Little Man is enjoying being back to school. I love my FitBit. It has really helped me to push myself a bit harder and feel much fitter. A year is a long time to be out of school. I’m sure it will take the girls a little longer to ease back, but it’s good the school are phasing their return. I hope it goes well. I really hope that you have a more relaxing weekend and you have some time to de-stress.

  3. Kim Carberry

    It has been fab to get the kids back to school. I am glad your little man settled back in so quickly.
    It sounds like your girls are finding it a little harder but I am sure they will get there and back into a routine soon.
    We had an hour long talk about GCSE options tonight with my youngest. It is such a massive decision but I think she’s decided on hers. Phew!
    I have been getting back into the swing of things this past week too, doing all the little jobs I hadn’t got around to while the kids were home. x
    Kim Carberry recently posted…This week my Word of the Week is: Return! #WotW

  4. Jane - Our Little Escapades

    It has been such a weird week for routine and I never knew how much I needed it as well as my son. The GCSE news is amazing for Star, fingers crossed she gets the three she is aiming for. I don’t know if GCSEs are even in my son’s future. I hope Boo is ok with her return to school. Hopefully, they give her the support she needs #WotW

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