Reader Interactions


  1. Kim Carberry

    The weather has been a bit crazy. It’s sunny here today but so cold. I want the heat back.
    My garden isn’t doing too well this year. The things inside, in pots are growing well but outside there is nothing apart from weeds and some wild flowers. I think it’s just been too cold.
    That is a great tip about shaving your legs.
    We are not rushing to go back out into the world either. We are going to go shopping but not until next week. x
    Kim Carberry recently posted…Our weekly meal plan! 12th – 18th April. #MealPlanningMonday

  2. Nikki Albert

    Yes these locksdowns do remind me keenly of how much my life resembles a permanent lockdown. We are in another lockdown here not that it matters since I can’t function well enough to do anything even if I could and wanted to. So there is that. I get a little tired of people complaining about short lockdowns, and not listening to the rules and just doing what they want… because their choices affect other lives. I wouldn’t care if their stupid choices affected only them but it could affect a whole lot more than just them- not that they care. I get the difficulty. I wish I could get out and about and socialize as well, pandemic or not. It takes a toll on a person. But I do not get how they can’t do it for a short duration when the cost is so high. Ah well, not like I can control the choices of others. I only have power to control my own choices.

  3. Sarah-Marie

    What a fantastic tip to use body butter to shave. You are absolutely right about this Great British Weather. We has snow this morning and then lunch without our coats on in the sunshine. Crazy! #MMBC

  4. Laurie

    I’m so sorry to hear you haven’t been feeling well, Anne. And your Little Man had an accident! I used to practice reiki. I think I need to get back to that. Maybe when the pandemic allows. Sending good vibes across the pond to you!!

  5. Carrie Kellenberger

    Hi Anne!

    I’m so sorry to hear that you’ve been feeling ill again. These flares – so pesky and annoying. It’s a real roller coaster!

    I wanted to thank you for the tip with body butter. (I also don’t shave, but that’s a good one!) And now I’m off to purchase a crystal facial roller here since they’re everywhere here in Taiwan. Take good care and I hope your garden starts blooming soon. My garden is going bonkers right now. I love it!
    Carrie Kellenberger recently posted…April is Sarcoidosis Awareness Month – Dedicated to My Brother

  6. Louise (Little Hearts, Big Love)

    I’m sorry that you had a bad reaction to your treatment and that your illness before it hasn’t cleared up. Hope that you start feeling better from that very soon. I can imagine that hearing people talking about what they are missing out on during lockdown life must bring home how restricted life is for you – hopefully it will help make others more empathetic about what life is like with chronic illness. I do hope that things do get better for you and that you can enjoy fewer restrictions too. Reiki and crystals sound interesting – I used to have a couple of colleagues in my midwifery days who were reiki practitioners but I don’t know all that much about it. Hope that Little Man is on the mend – I think it does get harder when children get older coping with things like that. #MMBC

  7. Catherine Green

    It’s good to hear that you are balancing the challenges with some self-care practice. Thanks for the Body Shop tip! I’m a regular customer with about 3 reps but none has suggested this that I’m aware of.

    I have learned the hard way that since being allowed to go out to work and to socialise outdoors my eye condition cannot handle the sudden change in conditions. I now have a diagnosis of eye ulcers and a treatment of steroid eye drops on top of my usual array of eye drops, creams and ointment.
    Catherine Green recently posted…Protein Foods for Bodybuilding with Predator Nutrition

  8. Claire

    I’ve always been a bit curious about Reiki and crystals. My grandmother always had a couple of crystals that I played with as a child. Sounds like such an interesting course to do!

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