Reader Interactions


    • Anne Sweet

      The peppa pig one is one of my favourites. I also made Frozen, Beauty and the Beast, My Little Pony, Care Bears and many, many Pokemon cakes to name just a few. Oh and a couple of Spiderman cakes as they were really popular at the time. Oh, yes, I even made a 1 Direction cake, do you remember them? lol x

  1. Joleisa

    I’ve made a few cakes in my time too. It’s something I’m ok at but I wish I had done a decorating course that goes more indepth. That’s because techniques are always changign and I would have loved to keep up. Too late now anyway. I don’t want to do much more baking as it’s so hard to resist eating it and hard to keep the weight off too. Your cakes are stunning BTW. Have a great week ahead.

    • Anne Sweet

      I used to go to cake exhibitions and knew that I would never be good enough! Eating the cakes is the best bit and I always used to worry about good the cake tasted when I sent it off to someone else, no matter how good it was decorated.

    • Anne Sweet

      The Wedding cake took hours and hours for a whole week. There is not much you can do in advance if you want the cake to be fresh, it’s definitely hard work.

  2. CraftAtticResources

    The Peppa cake is amazing. Oddly I don’t like cake but I love character cakes for kids. I used to go hunting in bakeries for my nephews and nieces bdays to find something for a themed celebration as I’m no baker.

  3. Louise (Little Hearts, Big Love)

    Those are fab cakes and I particularly like the Peppa Pig car. I’m very impressed that you were brave enough to make a wedding cake – the finished cake looks amazing. Love Boo’s cake too – she’s clearly inherited your cake making and decorating skills. #MMBC
    Louise (Little Hearts, Big Love) recently posted…Country Kids 08/05/21

    • Anne Sweet

      The wedding cake took a lot of work, I don’t think I ever had it in me to be a full time cake decorator but it was lovely that my friend put her trust in me to make it. It did teach me to understand why cakes are so expensive though. When we got married I bought plain white cakes from M&S and added the decorations myself.

  4. Sarah MumofThree World

    They are absolutely amazing! I can’t decide which one of them I like best.
    I’m no good at baking and don’t enjoy it. I baked all of my kids’ 1st birthday cakes, but it’s been shop bought ever since! My daughter has recently discovered a talent for baking and is even going to make my parents’ Golden Wedding cake in a few weeks!
    Sarah MumofThree World recently posted…Many Different Kinds of Love by Michael Rosen

    • Anne Sweet

      It’s lovely that your daughter is enjoying baking, I hope the Golden Wedding Cake turns out well, I’m sure it will be loved, a home made cake is so much more appreciated than a shop bought one.

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