Reader Interactions


  1. Kim Carberry

    I am glad harmony has been restored and hooray for the shopping trip. Poor Boo. It sounds like she’s really going through it at the moment.
    It sounds like you’ve had a busy week. It is so much easier to be motivated at this time of year with all the sunshine. I have felt like I have been melting in bed. I even bought some short and vest top pj sets to stay cool. x
    Kim Carberry recently posted…This week my Word of the Week is: Success! #WotW

  2. Jayne

    Glad to hear that Boo managed to curb her anxiety. That is a huge achievemnet on its own!
    It’s weird how we get that feeling we haven’t done much yet truth be told we haven’t bloody stopped all day!
    Thanks so much for hosting. Have a lovely weekend. xx
    Jayne recently posted…Change – My Word of the Week

  3. Louise (Little Hearts, Big Love)

    It sounds like you’ve had a nice productive week. Well done to Boo on managing to get out to the shops and hope that the fact they were quiet helped ease her anxiety. Lovely to have a UK holiday to look forward to. I’m glad the nicer weather has helped give you a bit more energy in the daytime. #WotW

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