Reader Interactions


  1. Deborah

    I agree about the schools. I also have doubts about the Lateral Flow tests as a number of people I know who have been ill with Covid have had negative results for these but are positive on the PCR tests.

    • Anne Sweet

      I agree, Lateral flow tests are unreliable and kids have been finding ways of cheating false positives with them, which means the whole bubble is broken. It’s definitely more worrying getting false negatives though. I didn’t know until my son was poorly a couple of weeks ago that you are not supposed to do a lateral flow test when you have symptoms but have to go straight to the PCR test. Thankfully, his came back negative. He just had a nasty cough and temperature.
      Anne Sweet recently posted…Going with the Flow for My Word of the Week 27

  2. Joleisa

    Lol about Nandos… it’s one of our favourites and we always go for the hot, in terms of spice level. It’s such a treat.
    And I’ve heard too of the cases rising in schools and that has affected so many schools and so many kids. I really don’t know the answer as it’s hard to send them home so often but it’s also such a risk for them to get it from each other and take it home to their families!
    Bring on the summer break. Glad your week was looking up too. Can’t wait to see what you get up to next week.

    • Anne Sweet

      I guess a hot Nandos is not as spicy as Jerk chicken. I think we have adapted to certain flavours and we do like hot, but we are all wary of trying something new. Saying that, my husband has never had Nandos before and went for the very hot wrap!

  3. Kim Carberry

    I was writing my Project 365 post and noticed we’re past the half way point of the year and it’s scary! This year is flying over!
    I hope Boo is coping OK with being sent home from school. I feel so lucky that my youngest hasn’t been sent home. I am just hoping she can make it to the end of term.
    I actually think they’ve given up with bubbles and social distancing at my girls school. She’s always mixing with different classes and year groups. Ugh.
    I’m glad your eldest had a nice birthday. I’ve never had a nando’s before either. As much as I like chicken it has never taken my fancy. The Hot Wing Roulette sounds like fun. x
    Kim Carberry recently posted…This week my Word of the Week is: Grotty! #WotW

    • Anne Sweet

      Boo hates online lessons but I’m getting her up and making her do it. I’m worried now it will happen again before the end of term and ruin our holiday. I will stick by the rules even though she doesn’t even mix with 99% of her year group bubble. 🙁

  4. Cheryl | Time To Craft

    We’ve not had any cases at school this term, as far as I know. We’re rural with city children being bused in so we’re not isolated. Hopefully the numbers will go down, as more are vaccinated. I think you’re right to go with the flow. Happy belated birthday to your daughter. I’ve never had Nandos either. No-one delivers to us, which is a big disappointment to the children!

  5. Karen Blower

    Madam’s bubble has burst too, Sir can still go to school. I think they need to change the way they deal with it too. Hope Boo is okay. The Nandos story made me laugh! Hubby and I went to one once and I dipped a chip into his sauce – never again! I couldn’t taste my own dinner afterwards!

  6. Jayne

    There does seem to be a massive rise of Covid cases in schools. My friend’s kids have been sent home so many times over the past few months.
    I’m glad your eldest daughter had a lovely birthday. I’ve never had a Nando’s, but if I did I would definitely leave the hot wings.
    Thanks for hosting. x
    Jayne recently posted…Appointments – Word Of The Week

  7. Louise (Little Hearts, Big Love)

    It’s funny how all these things that we’d never even heard of two years ago have become part of our ‘normal’ now. How frustrating to be going back and forth not knowing whether you have to self-isolate or not though. We’ve been lucky so far with school bubbles – our first one popped last week with Year 1 being sent home. I just hope that Sophie can get to the end of the school year and be able to enjoy her leavers’ activities without anyone having to self-isolate. I do think smaller bubbles and keeping it to close contacts only unless the positive result is confirmed by a PCR test would be better. Glad you enjoyed your first Nandos. My hubby loves the spicy space – I’m not quite so keen! #WotW

  8. Jane - Our Little Escapades

    Schools have really been interesting for us too. We are regularly doing the LFTs more thought choice. Who knew this would be how our lives would be in 2021. I think they are changing how it works when they go back in September. But who knows! The birthday celebrations sound fun. I haven’t had a Nondo’s for years #WotW

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