Reader Interactions


  1. Kim Carberry

    Star really has done amazingly even with Covid. She has had a lot to deal with in her life and even if she has to re-take her gcse’s it doesn’t matter.
    Poor Boo, she really has been through it this year. Good luck to her with her GCSE’s. My youngest has chosen hers and at the moment they are umming and ahhing over whether she can have her choices despite saying she could. Grr.
    How is your little man in his last year at primary school. Time flies!
    I can’t wait for this school year to be over.
    Kim Carberry recently posted…Week 26 of #Project365. 26th June – 2nd July. A photo every day for a year!

    • Anne Sweet

      Oh, I usually love the last weeks of school before the holidays, but I honestly can’t wait for it all to be over so we can relax and stop bloomin testing all the time. We will test before we go on holiday though, I don’t want to be responsible for spreading the virus. I don’t think people actually realise that just because you are vaccinated that you can’t get Covid or spread it to someone else. For most people this is not so bad, but there are still vulnerable people at risk. We are just going to carry on being super careful. xx

  2. Carol

    Life and school are so complicated that adding the COVID precautions sound overwhelming. Congratulations on how well you are handling it all. #MMBC

  3. Lisa | Handmade in Israel

    You seem to be a very supportive mum and I am sure that they will all succeed in what interests them in the end. My eldest son was a hard worker at school, his younger brother, ahem, less so. It took me some time to realise that it is his life and it’s up to him what to do with it.

  4. Louise (Little Hearts, Big Love)

    It’s been such a tough year for your girls with Covid and school. I’m glad that Star will be doing something she loves at college and that Boo has been moved into a class that is perfect for her. The rise is cases at schools is so worrying. I hope that Boo will stay well. Little Man’s school sounds like it has been really good. It’s such a shame that you’re missing out on the usual end of primary school events though – it is such an end of an era. Good luck with the decision over whether or not to send him to the summer school. I do hope that you manage to get your holiday. I’m a bit mixed about the end of the school year – I’m sad that Sophie’s time at infant school is drawing to a close but hoping that she can get to enjoy her leavers’ activities without any bubbles popping. #MMBC

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