Reader Interactions


  1. Louise (Little Hearts, Big Love)

    The water bottle thing sounds very worrying. Glad that the school’s attitude changed but not good that they started off with the attitude they did. Hope that things start to improve for Boo at school. Glad your brother and his wife have a new home with a garden – that sounds lovely. Sorry to hear that you’ve been struggling with spasms and hope all goes well with your consultant’s appointment next week. The weather certainly has been crazy this week going from lovely spring sunshine to snow in a few days! #WotW

  2. Kim Carberry

    It sounds like you have had a lot to deal with. No wonder you didn’t know if you were coming or going.
    Congrats to your brother and his wife on their new home and that is shocking about the letter from school. What is the world coming to.
    Oh no! It sounds like the school haven’t been handling things well. I am glad you soon got that issue sorted.
    I think after a week like you’ve had it will effect your health. I hope it goes well with your consultant x

  3. Karen

    It’s astounding how quick attitudes can change once they realise you aren’t taking their crap and have proof to back you up. It’s a shame it comes down to that. The water bottle thing is very concerning. Weather this week has been totally crazy!

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