Reader Interactions


  1. Kim Carberry

    I have never really been a Kate Bush fan but I do like that song Running up That Hill and even more so thanks to Stranger Things. My girls thought it was a new song too. lol and they have just told me it’s number 2 in the singles charts which really makes me smile.
    Poor Joseph! It sounds like a rotten week for him. I hope things are sorted at school soon. x

  2. Karen

    Not a fan myself but I do find it amusing when today’s young people “discover” an artist that has been around for decades! Does ’em good to listen to “proper” music 😀
    So sorry that Joseph has had a rotten week, hopefully things improve one way or another for him.

  3. Louise (Little Hearts, Big Love)

    I love that Kate Bush is back in the charts. ‘The Kick Inside is such a great album. Glad you had a nice time at Singing in the Rain. So sorry that Joseph is having such a horrendous time at school though. I don’t blame you for not wanting to send him back again. They sound like they’ve been awful at handling everything. Hope that you can manage to find a better school for him. #WotW

  4. Astrid

    I’m so glad you’ve been able to enjoy Kate Bush’s music especially with the difficulties Joseph’s facing at school. I really hope the horrible situation gets sorted out soon.

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